Atlantic Potato Distributors have been growing and selling potatoes in the domestic and export markets for well over 26 years. Why should you buy APD potatoes? The answer is a simple one, whether you’re buying seed, table or processing potatoes you can count on first quality standards and regulations.
Their reputation for excellence is backed by generations of experience, a deep commitment to quality, and the most modern agricultural technologies available.
APD understands the importance of responding to market trends and providing consistent service. In the last six years investments have been made and automation adopted. From receiving to shipping the potatoes undergo numerous check points to ensure quality. The product begins in a large washing area and flows through an ozonated application prior to entering the 12 Lane Accu-Vision sorter which identifies size, color, diameter and shape evaluating 5-6 potatoes per second per lane, also equipped with x-ray for hollow heart detection that ensures all potatoes distributed from our facility are of consistent quality. Prior to the final grading site potatoes proceed through metal detection as one last food safety guarantee.